Snow Photography: How To Take Photos in Snow

Photographing in the Snow Your Quick Guide to Taking Snow Photos Photographing in the snow should be pretty easy because typically you’re just working with one colour tone, white. Right? While white landscapes might sound simple, it’s actually quite tricky and it’s important to have the correct settings to ensure the tones are correct and your image doesn’t end up washed out and grey. White means bright even on a dull day so you won’t need to worry too much about low light settings or shooting with a tripod unless you’re shooting long exposures or in the evening. Most of the time the landscape will be lit up by the snow, allowing you to focus more on composition once you’ve got your settings spot on. Keep scrolling to read about – – Camera Settings for Snowy Scenes – Snow Composition Tips  – Gear you need for snowy conditions and tips on planning the location and also how to focus on a subject that’s lacking contrast.  Snow Photography – Planning the Location Photographing snow doesn’t require as much location planning as sunrise or sunset however you will find you get shadows so keep an eye out for the position of the … Continue reading Snow Photography: How To Take Photos in Snow