Wanderlust is obviously something anyone reading a travel blog shares. We all dream of the next trip, that one place to escape, explore and see with our very own eyes. The destination that’s been on our bucket list and is begging to be ticked off. Some day. Hopefully a day very soon.
I don’t usually write these type of posts. The ones written as a rough plan or a list of dreams but after the week I’ve recently experienced, I can’t think about anything else I’d rather write about.
The world.
Generic right? Well, two weeks ago I spent four days inside a London convention centre and saw the entire world. The rainforest of Costa Rica, Falcons in Dubai, cherry blossoms in Japan and let’s not forget the reggae dance party in Jamaica.
While it was all held inside four very long walls of London’s ExCel at the World Travel Market, and yes, I do realise I was actually in the United Kingdom the entire time, it sparked some serious wanderlust.
I went to the event with the aim of speaking to people from the European countries since I’m currently based here but couldn’t help stopping by every single continent because in the back of my mind I said…well, I could always fly via Morocco and Dubai on my way home to Australia. Right? Or via Iceland on the way to New York with an onward flight to Cuba? Totally!
To tame my dreams before they get a little out of hand and budget I’ve put together a bucket list of twenty destinations for 2016. After researching the best landscapes for photographers, speaking to tourism operators and browsing through endless inspiration online these locations are included purely on their photography opportunities.
I was going to write it on a piece of pretty paper and stick it to the fridge but where is the fun in that?
It’s much more fun to let you all know where I want to go in 2016 and see if you agree! Or even better, if you have other amazing places to add to the list.
In no particular order but numbered to help you choose favourites here is THE collection of places to photograph in 2016. Coastal regions, islands, deserts and mountain landscapes in all corners and countries of the globe. Continue reading if you dare tempt your wanderlust…
#1 Sicily, Italy
#2 Swedish Lapland
#3 Iceland (every single waterfall!)
#4 Moroccan Sahara
#5 Madagascar
#6 New Zealand’s South Island
#7 Okinawa, Japan
#8 Faroe Islands
#9 Utah + Arizona’s National Parks, USA
#10 Dubai
#11 Samoa
#12 Australia’s West Coast
#13 Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
#14 Isle of Skye, Scotland
#15 Cuba
#16 Patagonia, Chile
#17 The Canadian Rockies
#18 Kauai, Hawaii
#19 Kiribati, South Pacific Ocean
#20 Corsica, France
Because I only include photos from places I’ve personally visited and photographed, this time I’ve created a clickable map of the world for you all with endless possibilities…it also includes a little extra information about why I think these are the best locations to photograph in 2016 when you click on each location!
What do you think of my bucket list of photo destinations? I realise it’s a lot of ground to cover in one year but…planes exist. Anything is possible!
Do you have anywhere to add? Let us all know in the comments below where you’ll be heading in 2016!
If you like the list, be sure to share it via Pinterest too using the photo below…

Hello! I’m the founder and photographer behind The Wandering Lens.
With 19+yrs experience as a professional travel and landscape photographer, all advice found on this site is from my personal experience, or that of contributors, on the road. I hope it’s useful for your own travels and would love to hear in the comments about your trips and experiences around the world.
Blog Comments
November 23, 2015 at 6:06 pm
Doing Iceland in March yew!!!
November 23, 2015 at 7:39 pm
I would LOVE to visit Cuba and Chile. Also I’ll be going to Rio de Janerio next year so excited 🙂
Sarah Shumate
November 24, 2015 at 1:20 am
The only two on this list I can personally vouch for are Swedish Lapland and the Isle of Skye. Both of those areas were incredible for both photography and experiences! The Isle of Skye is on my list of Top 5 trips we’ve taken in Europe, so that should tell you something. 🙂
I love that you’ve got such a diverse list of places on here! If you even get to a quarter of these places in 2016, that would make for one incredible year!
January 20, 2016 at 10:09 am
Great list! I can vouch for Iceland (so beautiful, my husband and I chose it for our wedding!), Scotland, New Zealand and Cuba. If you do Scotland, be sure to check out more of the northwest though, not just the Isle of Skye. I drove around Wester Ross and it was phenomenal.
The only place on your list I wasn’t inspired to photograph was Dubai. Lots of big buildings and otherwise nothing but parking lots and sand. If you’re going for the desert scenery, you’re better off in Wadi Rum, Jordan (I also enjoyed it more than the Moroccan Sahara). But if you do head to Dubai, try to make it down the road to Abu Dhabi to see the Grand Mosque. It’s actually really spectacular 🙂
January 29, 2016 at 8:24 pm
Hi Melissa, thanks for the Scotland tip, will definitely check out the northwest! Great to hear your thoughts on Dubai too, I’m more into landscapes too so the desert would be the first place I go. Where have you got planned for the year?