Travel photography and water go hand in hand. Whether it’s ripples on a lake at sunrise, crashing waves hitting the shoreline of a sandy beach or the wonderful world beneath the surface.
Water adds a creative element to photography and this month The Traveller Series is all about showcasing the talented photographers who capture it beautifully.
From islands in Australia to the Amazon, the chosen photographers have taken incredible water themed images and I’m so excited to share them with you!
Take a peek below at their collection of photos then click through to the Instagram accounts noted to check out more of their amazing work…with summer on the way in the southern hemisphere it’s definitely going to inspire a few trips to the coast.
Featured header image by Karyna Wilkerson.
Photographer: Hannah Jessup
Location: Lady Elliot Island, Queensland, Australia
Website: www.gypseadog.com
Instagram: @photosbyhannahjessup
Photographer: Ryan Lamer
Location: Antigua, Caribbean
Instagram: @ryanlamer
Photographer: Bree Sorrell – Mi Alma Photography
Location: Greenmount Point, Gold Coast, Australia
Instagram: @mialmaphotography
Photographer: Karyna Wilkerson
Location: Makua Beach, Oahu Hawaii
Instagram: @karynaHi
Photographer: Mark Fitzpatrick
Location: Heron Island, Queensland, Australia
Instagram: @_markfitz
Photographer: Grace Smith
Location: Amazon River, Brazil
Instagram: @thetravellinggiraffe
Thanks to everyone who sent in photographs for this month’s series!
If you would like to see your name in lights and have your photo featured in The December Edition of The Traveller Series…keep reading!
Next month is the festive season so what better theme to feature than…Christmas.
What does Christmas mean where you live? Is it snow covered mountains and Christmas markets? Or perhaps a BBQ by the beach and a day in the sunshine?
Send in a photo that represents the landscape or scene where you spend Christmas, the more creative the better!
Email them through to hello@thewanderinglens.com with the following inclusions:
- Location Details (where was the photo taken?)
- Your Full Name
- A link to your website and/or Instagram accont
- A sentence about your ideal Christmas destination
The entry deadline is December 6th so get your photos ready and send them through!
I can’t wait to see them all 🙂

Hello! I’m the founder and photographer behind The Wandering Lens.
With 19+yrs experience as a professional travel and landscape photographer, all advice found on this site is from my personal experience, or that of contributors, on the road. I hope it’s useful for your own travels and would love to hear in the comments about your trips and experiences around the world.
Blog Comments
Sarah Elizabeth || SEDiva Abroad
November 23, 2015 at 9:38 pm
Love this round-up! x